Education and banding programs
Canadian Peregrine Foundation
The primary purpose of the Canadian Peregrine Foundation is to facilitate the recovery of endangered and threatened raptor species in Canada. To accomplish this, The Foundation's objectives are to:
- Document the current status of the Peregrine Falcon and other endangered and threatened raptor species in Canada, contribute to and monitor the ongoing recovery efforts for these species, and make such information available to the public and, in particular, educational institutions;
- Raise public awareness of the environmental issues affecting Canada's endangered and threatened species; and
- Provide support to projects involving the recovery, restoration, and rehabilitation of Canada's endangered and threatened raptor species.
Funding from The Gordon and Patricia Gray Animal Welfare Foundation is used to support two important projects:
1) The Wildlife Education Program: The Canadian Peregrine Foundation visits schools with live captive born birds of prey to teach inner-city and first nations children about Ontario's wildlife at risk. Each presentation is a one-hour curriculum based interactive workshop discussing endangered species and their habitats, ecosystems, the food chain, biodiversity/diversity of living things, and theory of flight and how this applies to the bird visiting their school whether that be a Peregrine Falcon, Bald Eagle, Barn or Great Horned Owl, etc. The visits help promote stewardship and empathy for living things and are earmarked for schools that would not otherwise have the opportunity to receive a presentation like this and students that may never see one of these magnificent birds in person or in the wild.
2) The Species at Risk Stewardship Program: This program has been conducted by CPF for 17 years where they monitor all urban Peregrine Falcon nests and conduct public banding ceremonies, where baby falcons are banded with Canadian recovery bands issued by the Canadian Wildlife Services as part of the federal recovery program. These bands help protect Canadian produced falcon chicks from the USA harvest of young northern migrating Peregrines for the purpose of falconry. If they have on one of our recovery bands they must be released.